Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gosh I really love this show!!!! I haven't watch it since last year!! This show is pretty much comedy and sometime sad to.  This drama is about 6 boys who are mostly half brothers and have the same dad. And the dad send all the letters to them and want them to live together as a happy family. But all the brothers ask the father about what's the point of this and he say if you can live together for 8 months all of you will earn 100 million dollars!!!! And the father has rules about this. He says that if any of the brothers don't come home around 12am they lose the money and have to start all the count over. So yeah pretty much it. And they have to transfer to this high school that has whole bunch of drama girls who talks about guys and things to do. So yup pretty much it.

Dragon Zakura (2005)series

Gosh I love this show. I haven't watch it for a lonng time. It's about a lawyer who became a teacher and wants to help those kids get to university fast. These kids are pretty dumb and doesn't have much education. So the teacher Yusuke started this program and want these kids get smart and pass all their classes. This drama is pretty based on the manga book so yeah. I need to finish watching this show. I kind forgot what's going on right now haha.

Gokusen the movie (2009)

Man I can't wait for this movie to come out. It's already released in japan in theater. And the fan people will have to wait until this released on dvd so they can sub it to English. I have watch gokusen and gokusen 2 so far. So I'm currently watching gokusen 3. This show is pretty funny and it's about kids beating up each other because of their past reason and others. And the main character is the homeroom teacher who helps the kids problem and she's always goofy to. So yeah I can't wait for this movie to be released.

Cyborg Girl (2008)

This is a pretty sad sci-fiction movie. It's about this guy name Jiro who is very lonely and nobody celebrate his birthday. And then one day he met this girl who is from the future. And she's actually a cyborg who was created by future Jiro. The future Jiro send a message to his past that he should take care of that cyborg girl because she's very pretty and she helps people life. And yeah that's pretty much it. I don't want to spoil the ending haha.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Koike Teppei (actor and singer)

Koike seems like a nice and funny guy when you watch him on drama shows. He was on this show call Gokusen 2. He's pretty funny guy when he does acting. My favorite movie of him is call Lovely Complex. It's very funny movie. In that movie his girlfriend is taller then him. And he was mad about that because he's short and doesn't like that. But yeah Kokie is a cool and funny guy

Ken Hung (actor and singer)

Ken Hung is a pretty good actor and singer. He was in that movie call Love is Elsewhere.
In that movie his name was Sung Sing. It's strange that he loves to sing and his name is Sing? Hmm that's funny. It must be his fate. But oh well he's cool anyways.